B2B4-Check gives companies the tools they need to work together more efficient to grow better.
- car Handovers
- car Returns
- car Condition Assessments
- car Checks
- car Leasing
- Auto Abo
- car Subscriptions
- car Rental
- car Detailing
- SMART repair
B2B4-Check allows for documentation, calculation and process management. It includes touchless invoicing and document creation for paperless work and ubiquitous cloud computing.
Interactive Dashboards (Andon-Boards) enable internal and cross enterprise nonverbal communication, negotiations and decision taking.
B2B4-Check's software is high-fidelity intuitive, requires almost no extra training and no special qualification.
By standardizing processes and providing feedback to reward the user, the B2B4-Check software enables more efficient work.
It's good to work together - It's even better to play like an orchestra.
Sign up for a free trial at and begin streamlining your digital workflow.
B2B4-Check - the lean process management for cars
standardized & lean process management
for cars will lead to more efficiency in your business
CARTRON© the mobile Car-Check App allows for:
- Car condition assessments & appraisal reports & quotings (proposals)

all Data are
accessible & manageable
for subsequent,
internal & cross-enterprise
Process Management.

CAROLINE© the Management & Calculation System allows for:

- Global pricing for services & arrangement of packages
- Customizable prices & packages for multiple clients
- P&PM© price & package manager
- Merging data entries from car-checks & pre-sets from the P&PM© for further calculation
- Dashboards (Andon-Board) for real time overview
- Easy to understand 3-color status board
- User specific interactive status boards
- Time & date depiction for process steps
- Quotes (offers) can be negotiated between client & contractor
- Non verbal negotiation by bilateral interactive dashboards (Silent Trade)
- Internal & cross enterprise
- Automated creation of documents & invoices !
- Touchless Invoicing
- Let the machines do the dull work !
- Access to all information & documentations for ever from everywhere !
- Standardized processes & workflows !
- Massive reduction of waste in the value chain !
- Revolutionize your teamwork !
- Put in the relevant data only once !
- All documents are visible everywhere at any time to whom it may concern
- Internal & cross enterprise communication of process status by interactive boards
- Shift to remote work !
- Work even outside of a traditional office environment
- Work does not need to be done in a specific place to be executed successfully !
- Control your processes actively worldwide at any time !
- Access for all who can best contribute to workplace productivity
- Un-used Talent - give back high qualified staff the time for their core work
- Waiting - no more waiting for communication & documents & information & decisions
- Re-work - eliminate 'non-right-first-time' & repetition or correction of a process !
- Defects - eliminate unclear descriptions
- Transportation - eliminate unnecessary movement of cars between processes !
- Motion - eliminate unnecessary movement of people or machines between processes !
- Inventory - reduce 'work-in-progress' & cars waiting for further processing !
- Inventory Age - reduce the Inventory Age of your cars by processing faster !

- No more paper ! … if you like
- Go Paperless !
- Reduce of the CO2 footprint of your company !
- Your 'Green Deal' !

- Our software is KINDERLEICHT to use (high fidelity usability)
- Highly intuitive !
- Plain language - simple words & phrases !
- Icons & symbols - less wording !
- No special qualification required !
- Happiness guaranteed - you will smile after usage !